Inn & Around the Wick February 2021

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Shawna Gardham
By Shawna Gardham, Public & Media Relations Manager
Newsletters22 February 2021

Canadian Geographic Magazine prize goes to BC photographer: Congrats to Sara Kempner for winning Canadian Geographic’s prize for her photo on the theme “the feeling of home.” The beautiful photo was taken in Courtenay, on the other side of Vancouver Island, and exudes the sentiment we all share about the west coast: exploration, freedom, and natural wonder! Take a look at her photo and other entries here.

Pacific Rim Whale Festival goes virtual (March 15-21, 2021): The return of the whales is always something to celebrate, from near or far! Ever an incredible community event, this year there are plans for a fun and educational festival that keeps us all safe—virtually. Stay in the know with updates corresponding to BC’s COVID provincial guidelines.

Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2021: We couldn’t travel much in 2020, but voting for your favorite destinations could win you a trip for 2021! If you’ve enjoyed staying with us in the past, we’d be grateful for your consideration in voting for us.

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