Episode: 3 Driving to Port Alberni with Dad

Driving to Port Alberni with Dad

19 August 2022

Getting in the Car

To this day, the drive to Tofino has a wonderful sense of excitement to it. Especially the leg from Port Alberni to your destination at the Wickaninnish Inn, where the twisting roads and dense coastal rainforests ignite a feeling of adventure. When Charles was young, these trips only happened a few times a year, making the excitement of “getting on the road” a rare treat.

Sproat Lake #pn2133 circa 1950s - Alberni Valley Museum
Sproat Lake #pn14271 circa 1950s - Alberni Valley Museum

In this episode, Charles reflects on one exceptional trip driving from Tofino to Port Alberni with his dad. Although the road is now paved, the journey to Vancouver Island’s West Coast hasn’t lost an ounce of the wonder that made being on it so special decades ago.

Sproat Lake #pn2161 circa 1950s - Alberni Valley Museum
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